On 2005-07-08, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> PS. An AnnoCPAN tip: Notice that if you are an author, you can subscribe
>> to all comments on your modules:
>> http://www.annocpan.org/~MARKSTOS/recent.rss
> Not knowing anything about RSS I put the URL into Firefox and it asked me
> if I wanted to save the file.  ?
> I believe the proper instructions are go to 
> http://www.annocpan.org/~YOURCPANID/ and click on the RSS link but I get
> the same behavior.  The little RSS icon in the lower right only gives an
> option to subscribe to the "recent notes" feed.
> A daily email digest would be nice for those of us who prefer push and
> live in our MTAs not our web browsers.

RSS integrates with mail readers as well, just apparently not yours. For
an example, see this screenshot of Thunderbird:


The person has subscribed to a feed from CNN, and is able to check it and read
it as if it were a mailbox.

Personally, I think it makes more sense to integrate RSS into a mail reader 
rather than 
web browser.

As a mutt and slrn user, I use 'snownews' as a console feed reader which works 
It's like pine in the sense that it has a very helpful GUI and requires 
virtually no
config file fussing to get started with.


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