In article
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, demerphq

> On 1/30/06, David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Adam Kennedy wrote:

> > > A testing system should only be sending FAIL reports when it believes it
> > > has a platform that is compatible with the needs of the module, but when
> > > it tries to install tests fail.

> > So how, then, do I tell the testing system "this module only works on
> > Unix-like filesystems on Unix-like OSes"?

> Hopefully it will be something like:
> $I::don't::bother::to::write::portable::code=1;
> ;-)

Seriously though, I would expect things in Win32::* to only work on
Windows, things in Linux::* only to work on linux, and so on for many
other sections (including Mac::* where I have some modules).  Portable
code isn't always the goal.

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