Many module authors set a design objective of making their modules
"dependent only on core modules".  This is a comment that I see on a
regular basis.

When I hear or read that, I always wonder if the author realised that
"core modules" is something dependant on the Perl distribution version.
For example a module as important as Test::More was included in the
core in 5.7, which really means 5.8.

This isn't an issue.

Any distribution is going to have a Perl version dependency.

So for any given distribution $d with Perl version dependency $d->minver, it needs to keep $d->deps as a subset of $perl[$d->minver]->modules.

This is what 99% of authors mean by that phrase.

And generally the bugs only occur when they misread their minimum version, or don't put an explicit minimum (and so never bother to check).

Adam K

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