> Its been doing that for the last 10 years or so.  Try an espresso.

yeah, ok.

> Apache::Test, by default, sends diagnostics to STDERR.  This is because
> by default it uses Test.pm which sends its errors to STDERR.

right.  I haven't actually used the Test.pm interface in ages.  but most
other people do I guess.  seems like we should change the Test.pm
behavior though - when running tests on the server we probably want
STDERR to appear on the command line as well, not be lost in the error_log.

> Only when you explicitly say -withtestmore does it go to STDOUT.


> -withtestmore seems like it changes the behavior of Apache::Test

yes.  A-T's dependence on Test.pm predates my involvement, and there has
been significant pushback to make it rely solely on T::B and friends.
so, T::B support is a side venture for people like me who care.

> and
> seems a little broken so I doubt anyone's using it,

I use it every day, and it's not broken for me...

> the tests don't,
> which is why you haven't noticed.

yeah, very few tests for it, unfortunately.

> $ perl -Mblib -wle 'use Apache::Test qw(-withtestmore); plan tests =>
> 1;  ok 1, 2'
> 1..1
> # Using Apache/Test.pm version 1.28
> #     You named your test '2'.  You shouldn't use numbers for your test
> names.
> #     Very confusing.
> ok 1 - 2

your turn for coffee :)

  $ perl -e 'use Test::More; plan tests => 1; ok 1,2'

  $ perl -e 'use Apache::Test qw(-withtestmore); plan tests => 1; is 1,2'


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