Geoffrey Young wrote:
seems a little broken so I doubt anyone's using it,

I use it every day, and it's not broken for me...

By broken I mean I was surprised to find the behavior of Apache::Test changed 
by changing the backend.  I would have expected the interface to remain the 
same.  Looking at it again it is clearly documented otherwise (I guess its not 
a backend after all) but nevertheless surprising to me.

$ perl -Mblib -wle 'use Apache::Test qw(-withtestmore); plan tests =>
1;  ok 1, 2'
# Using Apache/ version 1.28

#     You named your test '2'.  You shouldn't use numbers for your test
#     Very confusing.
ok 1 - 2

your turn for coffee :)

  $ perl -e 'use Test::More; plan tests => 1; ok 1,2'

  $ perl -e 'use Apache::Test qw(-withtestmore); plan tests => 1; is 1,2'


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