# from Julien Beasley
# on Friday 09 March 2007 03:39 pm:

>Thanks Ovid! This may be exactly what I'm looking for (since I'm going
> to have tests in libtap and perl). However, and I apologize if I'm
> wrong about this, doesn't your proposed solution have to start a new
> perl interpreter for every single test file? If so, that might up
> being too slow for practical use.

As others have said, it's not that big of a deal.

Also note that --exec 'bash -c' should do the same thing (iff you're 
running 0.50_07 (because --exec 'anything' was broken before this.))

However, if you feel the need for speed, I *think* you could add support 
in runtests for "--exec ''" to turn into @exec=() rather than 

This would, of course, only work with properly shebanged and +x'd test 
files on real operating systems (and on compiled-executable-only test 
suites on windows), but I think the same can be said for the 
aforementioned naive run.pl.  For mixed-suite support on windows, we 
probably just say "welcome to windows!" and make you write a more 
whatisit-aware run.pl (vs e.g. convoluting the usage of --exec with 
--exec-if-whatever and what-not.)

We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.
--Quarry worker's creed

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