* demerphq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-05-26 19:20]:
> BTW, id say that if this is an issue for Unix users then they
> should file a bug with the people that wrote their
> decompression software and/or installer software.

It’s the decompression software’s fault that it correctly
preserves the data in the archive when decompressing?! Are you

Sorry, but it is *the _compression_ software’s* bug.

> I dont see it as being my problem as a Win32 developer at all.
> Im sympathetic to the annoyance it causes but to me its like
> opening a book written in a language you dont read and
> complaining that it isnt written in one you do. I mean if Win32
> doesnt even support this concept how is it my problem what your
> software does when unpacking?

Tarballs are a Unix concept and use Unix permission semantics.
Win32 developers creating tarballs are writing books in a
language they don’t speak. Then they get annoyed that native
(or fluid) speakers of the language complain when their books
are full of mistakes.

(What a silly metaphor… but anyway.)

Sorry, you’re wrong. I’m sorry if the silly Unix people are
grating on your nerves, but they’re right.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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