>>>>> On Sat, 26 May 2007 20:47:18 +0200, demerphq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  > On 5/26/07, Andreas J. Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> >>>>> On Sat, 26 May 2007 20:06:18 +0200, demerphq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
 >> > On 5/26/07, Andy Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> >> On 26 May 2007, at 18:45, demerphq wrote:
 >> >> > Maybe ill just upload my files in zip format from now on only, then
 >> >> > its not my problem anymore right? Would that be better?
 >> >>
 >> >> That would be fine.
 >> > Fine then.
 >> You do not have to change anything, Yves. Your tarballs were all fine
 >> as far as I know. Do not switch to zip format, please, without a
 >> reason. While ZIP has several significant advantages over TAR.GZ, it
 >> is inferior in compression metrics. CPAN is not fond of seeing zip
 >> files because they usually are 10-30 percent bigger.

  > Is 7z supported by CPAN?  :-)

  > http://sevenzip.sourceforge.net/download.html

CPAN will start to support bz2 sometime this year. Eleven years after
its invention. So much about our readiness to adopt new formats:)

 >> > The fact that ExtUtils make dist automatically produces a
 >> > .tar.gz and the fact that Archive::Tar does not do the right thing is
 >> > not exactly my fault however.
 >> AFAIK it is not Archive::Tar either. I have not found out which
 >> compression software packages do it right and which do it wrong. I
 >> have communicated with several authors about it but being Windows
 >> users, they do not know it either.

  > It would be nice to know tho. If only so as to know what to avoid.

One data point is https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=25913


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