On 26 May 2007, at 18:45, demerphq wrote:
Maybe ill just upload my files in zip format from now on only, then
its not my problem anymore right? Would that be better?

That would be fine.

You know - you've kind of tickled a raw nerve here.

One of the very few reasons I maintain a Windows box here and endure the pain (for me - subjective I know) that goes with it is so I can test my modules against Win32. And the only reason I bang my head off Win32 related problems is because I have a deeply held conviction that my stuff should - if possible - work on any platform Perl supports.

I honestly don't think - given the hassle that supporting Win32 is for so many people who otherwise wouldn't touch it - that you have much room to bitch about a Unix specific problem.

Andy Armstrong, hexten.net

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