# from David Cantrell
# on Tuesday 31 July 2007 04:27 am:

>> No.  If AUTHOR_TESTING, fail miserably unless the pod and coverage
>> both 1. gets tested and 2. passes.  That means the Test::Pod::*
>> module in question must load.
>Wrong.  If AUTHOR_TESTING then surely all tests *must* pass both with
>and *without* the optional module!

What good does it do to skip the test if AUTHOR_TESTING?  That just gets 
us back into the same situation as the current one where the author 
didn't have Test::Pod and pod which fails the tests got shipped.

To accomplish author testing, you must actually *run the tests*.  You 
can't do that if you don't have the module available.

If the tests didn't run, well ... it's untested.  If untested pod ships 
with the possibility of the tests actually running (and quite likely 
failing) on the install system, the error appears at the wrong end.

The advocacy of "check your pod" and "cover your pod" is fine, but 
please apply the clue-stick *before* the dist gets shipped to CPAN.

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