[crosspost from the mod_perl mailing list, at recommendation of others on the 
MP list]

Wanted to ping the list about something that's irked me the last few days...

After recently releasing Apache2::Filter::Minifier::JavaScript/CSS, I saw 
several failed CPAN testers reports, generally due to the tester not having 
the required modules on their machine.

Now, admittedly these are likely -automated- tests running -unattended-, but a 
failure is still a failure, and I'd like to get it fixed up and passing on as 
many machines as possible.

So... to accommodate those who didn't have Module::Build installed, I set up a 
basic Makefile.PL, following the general guidelines from Apache::Test.  
Unfortunately, most testers borked this one too as if they don't have 
Apache::Test installed they can't even fire up the Makefile.PL.  Doh!

Wanted to ping others, though, and see what you guys are doing with regards to 
trying to make sure that you get as few CPAN testers failures as possible.  
Obviously I can't prevent -all- of the failures, but I'd like to reduce them 
wherever possible.

My current test/devel versions of Build.PL/Makefile.PL are below.  I'd 
appreciate comments/feedback...

        use 5.008;
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use Module::Build;
        my $build_pkg = eval { require Apache::TestMB }
                ? 'Apache::TestMB'
                : 'Module::Build';
                build_requires => {
                        'Apache::Test' => 1.12,
                requires => {
                        'mod_perl2' => 2.0,

        use 5.008;
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
        eval {
                # load MP2 build modules
                require ModPerl::MM;
                require Apache::TestMM;
                require Apache::TestRunPerl;
                # import test driver
                Apache::TestMM->import(qw( test clean );
                # configure tests based on incoming args
                # create test harness
        my $mm = $@ ? \&WriteMakefile : \&ModPerl::MM::WriteMakefile;
                'PREREQ_PM' => {
                        'Apache::Test' => 1.12,
                        'mod_perl2' => 2.0,

Graham TerMarsch

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