chromatic wrote:
>> This is a specific sort of failure, and as far as I'm concerned it is an
>> improperly configured machine.  I'm not going to include a redundant
>> Makefile.PL just to support people who don't upgrade their tools.  It's
>> no different than not supporting perl 5.005.

I believe Eric is referring to CPANPLUS' behavior wrt Build.PL without a
Makefile.PL.  It fails the install and tells the user to install Module::Build
and CPANPLUS::Dist::MB. just asks if it should install MB first and proceeds normally.

> Normally I'm all for that, but the core installation toolchain is a bit 
> different from other prerequisites.  I don't expect that a novice installing 
> Perl modules for the first time is going to find the "Oh, but first install 
> Module::Build" instructions particularly clear, especially as he or she might 
> not encounter that instruction in a particularly clear way.

This isn't a problem that worries me terribly because it's an O(1) problem
across all CPAN modules.  Once you figure out what to do with a Build.PL
you've figured out all the Build.PLs.  The error message from running the
Build.PL is also O(1).  "Can't locate Foo/ in @INC", just like any other
missing dependency, is something they're likely to have encountered before
with other modules and will encounter in the future.

What could improve things is a better generated README for Module::Build.
Rather than simply copying the documentation it should include dependency and
installation instructions.  These are simple enough to auto-generate.

Many moons ago I wrote mod2readme to do just that.  It needs a lot of dusting
but it tries to write an INSTALL document which gives the installation mantra
as well as any prerequisite modules and external tools (such as a C compiler)
that might be needed.

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