On Dec 22, 2007 6:03 PM, Matisse Enzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I respectfully suggest that maybe there is another way of looking at
> it, where the install process (governed by Makefile.PL/Build.PL) could
> possibly be a "test driven installation" process:
>     use Test::More tests => 23;
>     unlike( $^X,qr{\s}, q{'$^X' has no spaces in the path} ) ||
>         BAIL_OUT(q{Cannot install.});

No, this is a bad idea.  This will guarantee a FAIL report.  BAIL_OUT
mean "things failed so badly that we shouldn't continue."  It doesn't
mean "abort and forget we tried testing".

The right place to abort quietly without a FAIL report generated is in
the Makefile/Build.PL file.

It's conceivable that one could bail out in tests with:

    BAIL_OUT("OS unsupported")

This will send an NA report for that platform -- but that should
really be reserved for full platform compatibility problems (e.g.
Win32 modules on Linux), not for particularly configuration problems.

Configuration problems should just exit the PL file without generating
Makefile or Build and with exit value 0.  That is the only way to
silently continue without a report.


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