On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 14:22:05 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. Koenig) said:

 > 1. You get a fail report with an error message that doesn't tell you
 >    exactly what went wrong.

 > 2. You rewrite your test in a way that it does tell you more.

 > 3. Release.

 > 4. If you now understand the problem, fix it, else goto 1.

Sorry I didn't notice before I posted that this can be refactored into
a while loop:

   while (You don't understand the output of your own test script){
       Rewrite your test script;

If only it were that easy.

Sometimes the test report is something mysterious to me, that I think just can't happen. Other times I understand the output ("got X instead of Y") but I can't think of any reason _why_ that should happen.

It's as simple as it can get. And I probably do not have to explain
why I'm backing the position of imacat. The developer never tells the
tester what to do. The tester is a device and you can use it IFF you
want to fix your bugs. Otherwise, don't.

If the tester were a device it shouldn't be telling the developer what to do either, now should it?

Several people in this thread have interpreted the back-and-forth with imacat I linked to as some sort of "my position vs hers (his?)". That's not the case at all. Simply put, the initial bug report/request _DID NOT MAKE SENSE_ to me. I tried to get clarification and got a fight instead.

Should testers pre-install Module::Build? I don't freaking care if they do. OTOH, if the passthrough Module::Build installer bits don't work, that is worth fixing, and is worthy of a bug report _for Module::Build_.

OTOH, if tester configure their systems to _intentionally_ not follow the passthrough and install Module::Build, yeah, some stuff will just not work, and that's not my problem. If you don't want to install the prereqs as part of testing, then don't test.


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