On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 5:37 AM, Josh Heumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <quote who='Ovid' when='Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 01:43:59AM -0700'>
>> PerlUnit is dead.  Lots of people are recommending PerlUnit.  What have I 
>> missed?
> I can't answer your question directly, but in looking at the questions
> you link to, something strikes me as odd:  there are at least six posts
> by people recommending TAP-friendly solutions, and only two mentioning
> PerlUnit, and yet the post with the highest number of votes (and
> therefore the one at the top of the list) has three votes, while each of
> the other solutions has one.
> Shouldn't the people who post more-or-less agreeing solutions vote each
> other's solution up?

Yes. The only way to do what Aristotle called for is to vote,
mercilessly, as well as write better answers.

Shawn Boyette

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