On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Questions:
> 1.  How can I find out why a CPAN testers report is "N/A"?  I'm getting test 
> failures on Test::Most which are N/A and I don't know why.

N/A should only be for situations where the distribution isn't
compatible with the platform or perl.  It used to be used for missing
prerequisites but testers should have upgraded.  However, CPANPLUS
based testing sometimes gives funny results depending on what version
of CPANPLUS is used, whether Module::Build support is available, and
so on.  Bingos will have to investigate.

> 2.  To debug the problem, I've rewritten my t/00-load.t to show the version 
> number of all of the dependencies I specify.  Not all CPAN test reports have 
> this information.  Should I bug CPAN reporters to upgrade or something?  I 
> don't know enough about what they do to be sure of the right action here.

CPAN+CPAN::Reporter based tests include this information.  CPANPLUS
based testers *may* include this information, or may not.  (I think
the exceptions are CPANPLUS vs Module::Build related, still, but I
could be wrong.)

To be quite frank, CPANPLUS based testing is such a crapshoot at times
that I mostly ignore anything weird from it about my own CPAN

Of course, I might be biased in that view, since anything wierd from
CPAN::Reporter about my own CPAN distributions means that I have a bug
to fix one way or another.  :-)

-- David

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