Additional note as a reminder to all -- please send CPAN Testers
related questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not the Perl QA
list.  You're more likely to get a greater number of helpful responses
on that dedicated list.


On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:50 AM, David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Questions:
>> 1.  How can I find out why a CPAN testers report is "N/A"?  I'm getting test 
>> failures on Test::Most which are N/A and I don't know why.
> N/A should only be for situations where the distribution isn't
> compatible with the platform or perl.  It used to be used for missing
> prerequisites but testers should have upgraded.  However, CPANPLUS
> based testing sometimes gives funny results depending on what version
> of CPANPLUS is used, whether Module::Build support is available, and
> so on.  Bingos will have to investigate.
>> 2.  To debug the problem, I've rewritten my t/00-load.t to show the version 
>> number of all of the dependencies I specify.  Not all CPAN test reports have 
>> this information.  Should I bug CPAN reporters to upgrade or something?  I 
>> don't know enough about what they do to be sure of the right action here.
> CPAN+CPAN::Reporter based tests include this information.  CPANPLUS
> based testers *may* include this information, or may not.  (I think
> the exceptions are CPANPLUS vs Module::Build related, still, but I
> could be wrong.)
> To be quite frank, CPANPLUS based testing is such a crapshoot at times
> that I mostly ignore anything weird from it about my own CPAN
> distributions.
> Of course, I might be biased in that view, since anything wierd from
> CPAN::Reporter about my own CPAN distributions means that I have a bug
> to fix one way or another.  :-)
> -- David

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