
This is for Any Armstrong, primarily, but someone else might know the answer, or be interested, anyway.

I added xUnit-style test programming to pgTAP recently. What this means is that, rather than putting tests in a .sql test file, a developer can define a function that returns the results of tests (TAP, basically). They can then call a single function to run the tests, like so:

  psql -c 'SELECT * FROM tap.runtest()';

This call no_plan(), finds the test functions, runs them, then outputs the test results.

Now, I use TAP::Harness in the pg_prove script that ships with pgTAP to run scripts. It specifies that all test scripts will be run through psql. So a user could create a single test that just call the above command, but what I'd like to do is add an option to pg_prove so that pg_prove can call that function and no test scripts need even exist.

It looks like I could have pg_prove run the tests, collect all the output, and pass it to TAP::Harness as a string, but this delays the output until after all the tests are done running. I'd rather have it output as a stream as test are run, just as if a script was installed.

So my question is: Is there a way to tell TAP::Harness->runtests, and therefore TAP::Parser, since that's what gets the arguments to runtests(), to execute a command without having a file argument? Ideally, it'd look something like this:

    verbosity => $opts->{verbose} || $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE},
    timer     => $opts->{timer},
    color     => $opts->{color},
    exec      => ['psql', '-c' 'SELECT * FROM tap.runtest()'],

The issue with this is that, currently, no tests will be run because nothing is passed to runtests()! Is there something I could pass that runtest() wouldn't stat or parse but would run the `exec` command anyway?



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