On 19 Feb 2009, at 21:16, Michael G Schwern wrote:
This makes me think that -1 should actually be "normal", from what
Schwern has said, and 0 should include the failures and diagnostics and
messages and whatnot (# stuff), as Andy seems to have expected in the
past. But I can't really figure out how to change this without breaking
compatibility. Can you?

What prove is referring to in -1 is suppressing its own messages about test
failure, not TAP comments.

What you want is a .5 (didn't we figure out in BASIC that you don't closely
space your numeric sequences?) which is "show TAP comments".


The description for verbose should really be "show the raw TAP stream".

Patches / commits welcome - but I'm not going to have time to do anything more than review said patches / commits in the next week I'm afraid.

Schwern: I think you have commit? David: you're welcome to have a commit bit if you don't already.

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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