Michael Peters <mpet...@plusthree.com> writes:
> Steffen Schwigon wrote:
>> That could work. The TAP streams could start with the same
>> "t/xyz.t ..." line as prove already does. Or some other more
>> unambiguously detectable delimiter line.
> The minute we start adding delimiters between TAP streams we again
> risk introducing non-TAP into the output. Right now TAP ignores
> anything it doesn't recognize as non-TAP but that amorphous blob of
> what-is-not-TAP can change and thus break any saved single file TAP
> archives.
>> That still raises the need that the remaining TAP output is guaranteed
>> to be non-TAP, which brings us back to the start of the discussion.
> Not even considering the delimiter we already have non-TAP since
> multiple streams will mean multiple plans, restarting test numbers,
> etc which will still make it non-TAP.

*sigh* I know.

When I currently collect TAP for my archive and recognize it as beeing
a piped prove output I already cut it into sections, currently on
prove's "t/xyz.t ..."  lines.

I know, it's not really solving the topic generally enough for

Hm, looks like neither the "-" file for printing to STDOUT nor even
the single file will make sense under those conditions.

Isn't there a silver bullet for such problems, like introducing
heavy-weight XML protocols everywhere? :-)

Kind regards,
Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net>
Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org>
German Perl-Workshop <http://www.perl-workshop.de>

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