Michael Peters <mpet...@plusthree.com> writes:
> Steffen Schwigon wrote:
>> When I currently collect TAP for my archive and recognize it as beeing
>> a piped prove output I already cut it into sections, currently on
>> prove's "t/xyz.t ..."  lines.
> So, if you're already cutting it into individual TAP streams why
> don't you just use a real archive?

Because I provide a trivial API for participants that work without the
whole Perl TAP toolchain but only on shell or C level.

I'm just putting my own Perl lib results into the same framework over
the same "seemingly simple but in reality more clever" API.

Exactly that makes me that kind of "intertwisted double self referring
twin thinking" that you are just experiencing.

> I can add the feature to just dump the archived files into a
> directory and not tar.gz it if that makes it easier. I know it's not
> a pipe interface, but it's not radically different. Just use "&&"
> instead of "|"
>   prove -a some_dir && process_tap_archive some_dir

Yes. That would help me and be a useful feature for others, too.

Thanks and regards,
Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net>
Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org>
German Perl-Workshop <http://www.perl-workshop.de>

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