Fergal Daly wrote:
> Alternatively, the plan is a meta-test, a test for your testing code.
> It is the equivalent of putting
> is($tests_run_count, $tests_i_planned_count)
> at the end of your test script. Letting the computer calculate the
> plan is the equivalent of putting
> is($tests_run_count, $tests_run_count)
> at the end of the your test script. It's pointless. It will always pass.

I hear where you're coming from, but there is some value in knowing a test
still does what it did before.  A regression test.

Consider the following:

    my @things = $obj->things(3);
    for my $thing (@things) {
        is $thing, 42;

It's nice to know that things() still returns 3 items.  Yes, there should be a
test in there checking that @things == 3 but maybe there's not and this is a
simple example.

That said, I'm not fond of those folks with editor macros to set the count to
whatever number just ran.  Seems too easy to abuse.

"Clutter and overload are not an attribute of information,
 they are failures of design"
    -- Edward Tufte

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