On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 1:19 AM, Jeffrey Thalhammer
<j...@imaginative-software.com> wrote:
> I realize this doesn't solve the "big" problem of automatically building a 
> particular CPAN mirror with a magical mix modules.  But based on my own 
> development patterns, I think this model could provide a workable framework 
> for organically evolving application dependencies, while providing a stable 
> and reproducible dependency stack at the same time.

I hadn't quite taken it that far in my thinking, but I'm glad to have
a use case to consider as I work.

My mental model to date has been along these lines:

* You're working off a particular version of perl (/opt/perl/5.XX/)
which has no site_lib modules installed

* Modules you're adding as dependencies get installed into your
local::lib  (possibly per application, if you need that separation)

* When you're done with your application, you tar it up and inject it
into a repository that can be accessed via a URL

* You add your tarball to a "local+BackPAN" index (local supersedes BackPAN)

* You run the dependency analysis tool against your tarball, using the
perl as a base and using the local+BackPAN to resolve dependencies.

* Tool spits out the ordered list of tarballs (probably as URLs)
needed to install the application

If you need to patch a module from CPAN, you treat it just like an
app, publish locally and add it to the local index.

To deploy, on some other machine, you run a deployment tool against
the matching perl on that machine, giving it the ordered list of URLs.

For instances where you might have App A and App B, the tool should be
able to factor out a common set of dependencies, which could be
deployed separately.  Then with the right ordering of library paths,
you could have App A use version X of a module, while App B uses
version Y of a module and otherwise, they use a common set of modules.

I hadn't considered the team development case much.  My snap reaction
is that you would regularly "deploy" to a shared development library
path rather than install modules to a personal local::lib during
development.  As long as the local+BackPAN index can reverse your
dependency (module name and version) to the right tarball (including
locally patched ones), it all should just work.

My though is to write a separate tool for this rather than try to make
it work with either M::B or dzil.

-- David

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