On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 01:07:36AM +0200, Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯 wrote:
> To the usual suspects on this list, especially the ones who could not attend 
> the last times: when do you have time around April? (Traditionally, the QA 
> hackathon is from Saturday to Monday and avoids Easter.)

I hope to attend next year, but depends on any touring commitments I may
have. The band seem to like April and October for their gigs :)

Whoever ends up organising the 2012 and 2013, can you let me know the
appropriate IP addresses, so I can set up the DNS for the
*.qa-hackathon.org entries :)

Birmingham Perl Mongers <http://birmingham.pm.org>
Memoirs Of A Roadie <http://barbie.missbarbell.co.uk>
CPAN Testers Blog <http://blog.cpantesters.org>
YAPC Conference Surveys <http://yapc-surveys.org>
Ark Appreciation Pages <http://ark.eology.org>

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