
Here are some news about the Perl QA Hackathon 2012.


It seems we are picking up the gauntlet, and it will happen in
Paris. :-)

The current local team is very small: it's just myself and
Laurent Boivin.

Laurent is the treasurer of the French Perl Mongers, and has a lot of
experience in organizing the French Perl Workshop and OSDC.fr conferences
in Paris. He is also very good at reminding me this is all my fault,
and we still have all those things to do.

We will welcome help from perl-qa dwellers, for all things that can be
done remotely, such as finding more sponsors, taking care of the web
site, etc.


We have two possible venues:

  ** Carrefour Numérique, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie **

    Dates: Friday March 30 - Sunday April 1st, 2012
    Price: free
    Seats: 30
    Rooms: 1
           inside Paris but on the outskirt (19th district)
    Opening hours:
           09:00 - 18:30
           (it's possible to negotiate more time, but we need to decide
           before January)

           wired with little restrictions,
           or wifi with a dedicated VLAN and no restrictions

           it's possible to eat snacks, but we can't have lunch (or
           anything looking like a real meal) inside there are several
           places to eat close to the venue Accomodation: close to
           several hotels, we will soon start talking to them

           will need the list of attendees 15 days in advance, to allow
           entry during "extended hours" and on Sunday

           The French Perl Mongers have a long history with la Cité
           des Sciences: it has hosted several French Perl Workshops
           and OSDC.fr conferences. The security people knows us, and
           there never was any issue.

  ** La Cantine **

    Dates: Friday March 30 - Sunday April 1st, 2012
    Price: we have a quote for 5700 EUR for the three days
           (this includes a 50% discount)
    Seats: up to 50
    Rooms: 3 to 4 available
           center of Paris (2nd district)
    Opening hours:
           no limit, we'll have the keys.

           open wifi network

           possible to eat inside, there's also a lot of choice outside

           there are also many hotels around, but more expensive than
           around la Cité des Sciences

           we are basically free, given what we will be paying

           We have no history with this site. This location is more
           "trendy". It would be great if it were in the price range of
           the other location. ;-)


We haven't started actively looking for sponsors yet.

Currently, we have:
- the surplus from last year's QA Hackathon (about 1000 EUR)
- a 500 EUR donation from Renée Bäcker

Sponsoring doesn't need to be in cash: a company can directly
pay for an employee's (or even a non-employee) travel and
accomodation costs.


Our goal is to cover the travel, accomodation and catering costs
for as many people as possible. The actual coverage will of course
depend on the amount of sponsoring we can round up.


Last year, we had weekly IRC meetings. This was very useful to prevent
things from slipping, and to stay focused on the organization of the

We will have a weekly meeting on #perl-qa (irc.perl.org), every
Thursday at 13:00, for 15 minutes. Everyone interested is invited to
participate.  I expect the meetings will last longer as the hackathon
approaches. Minutes will be posted on the perl-qa mailing-list.

Next meeting: Thursday November 10, 2012

 Philippe Bruhat (BooK)

 You never know what love is until you lose it.
                                    (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #38 (Epic))

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