> When can a test not be parallelizable? Most of the examples that I can
> think of (depending on a file resource, etc) smell like a design failure.
> Tests should usually be able to use a unique temp file, etc.

Here's an example:

Say you are testing a web application that does a bulk export of a
database table.

The test works by doing a slow "count(*)" on the table, then having the
app what should generate 2 rows, and then running another slow
"count(*)" on the table, then checking that if the new value is the
original value plus 2.

This isn't parallel safe, because other tests running in parallel could
insert rows into the table in between the before and after counts.

One solution is to use a unit test instead. If you do that, the test and
the application can be made to share the same database handle. In
PostgreSQL, you can create a temporary table of the same name which
masks the original. Thus, your test has exclusive access to the table,
and the test can be made to run parallel-safe. It may also run much
faster, as the temporary table may have 10 rows in it instead of 100,000.

Other kinds of mocking could be used at this point as well.

Alternatively, you could still use a functional-style test by using
Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI instead of testing through your web server.
In this arrangement, the app and the test also run in the same process,
and can be made to share the same database handle, allowing the same
kinds of solutions as above.

I'll be talking more about related topics at YAPC::NA in my talk on
improving the performance of large test suites.


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