> No, you can't have your tests clean up after themselves.  For two
> reasons.  First, that means you have to scatter house-keeping crap all
> over your tests.  Second, if you have a test failure you want the
> results to be sitting there in the database to help with debugging.

There is another way to have tests clean up after themselves, which
addresses both the shortcoming you address.

First, I have functions like "insert_test_user()". At the end of these
functions, there is another call like this:


That inserts a row into a table "test_ids_to_delete" which includes
column for the table name and primary key of the entity to delete.
Another column has the insertion timestamp.

So, there's no "clean-up" code in all of our test scripts, and we have
the data there for debugging when the tests are done.

In Jenkins, after the test suite runs, a job to "Delete Test Data" is
kicked off, which deletes all test data older than hour. (Longer than it
takes the test suite to run).

There's a third reason not to do in-line test clean-up, which is that a
SQL "DELETE" operation can be relatively slow, especially when complex
RI is involved. Doing this "offline" as we do speeds that up.

There are still a few places where we have clean-up code in tests, but
it is exception. Those are the cases in which we can't use functions
like "insert_test_user()".

For example, if we are creating an entity by filling out a form on the
web and submitting it, then we may need to manually register that for
clean up later.


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