On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Martin Duerst wrote:

> At 12:17 01/08/08 -0700, Benjamin Franz wrote:
> >In UTF8 the 'frame' problem doesn't exist because character start
> >bytes _ALWAYS_ have bit eight set to 0 while continuation bytes _ALWAYS_
> >have bit eight set to 1. 'quotemeta' works fine if you use UTF8 as your
> >working encoding.
> Small correction: start bytes have the most significant byte as 0 or
> the two most significant bytes as 11. Continuation bytes have the two
> most significant bytes as 10.

Right. I got sloppy (fortunately not while actually writing code) - I
blame fatigue. :)

The self-framing property remains valid.

Benjamin Franz

  Programs must be written for people to read, and only
  incidentally for machines to execute.
                             ---Abelson and Sussman

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