On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Ashutosh Salgarkar wrote:

> Hi all,
> We are trying to search japanese keyword using a search string(in perl using pattern 
> We are facing problem while searching a particular keyword as given below,
> $searchStr =~ m/$key1/i
> when $key1 contains シリーズ
> We get an error as follows
> /シリーズ/: unmatched [] in regexp
> Please suggest the solution to overcome the problem.

my $safe_key = quotemeta($key1);
$searchStr =~ m/$safe_key/;

is probably what you want. I am presuming you are trying to use m// to
search for exact string matches rather than exploiting the full regex

Benjamin Franz

  Programs must be written for people to read, and only
  incidentally for machines to execute.
                             ---Abelson and Sussman

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