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$Bill Luebkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote [1:46am -0700]

   BL > Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago wrote:
   BL > 
   BL > > But why? Is there any reason for not doing this? I guess maybe 
   BL > > problems? or unexpected script behaviour?
   BL > 
   BL > Good start.
   BL > 
   BL > If you went to the trouble of verifying each and every argument before
   BL > you created a var out of it (maybe using a pre-defined list of legal
   BL > values) you could limit the downside of the errors you could get.  The
   BL > interpreter is going to eval whatever you tell it to and if there were
   BL > a way to feed an evil config file to your program, it could be 
   BL > I would trust an eval if it was only my code that was being eval'd, but
   BL > not from an external source.

Ok, that's what I was thinking about. Then you're right, I'll forget that
eval function possibility. 

   BL > eval has it's uses, mostly for trapping errors in sub-code and 
   BL > but most people avoid it in regular code.  There are differences between
   BL > V4 and V5 and memory leak problems that you could encounter; plus the 
   BL > that you're adding a level of complexity to your code.

I'll follow your instructions, now that I know the main use of eval. I 
always thought its use was for this purposes, but now I see it clearly.

   BL > I'd still recommend using a short hash name instead and also be careful
   BL > of what 'value' these vars/keys can take on from the config file.

Ok, I'll keep my eyes wide open :)

Thanks for the advice!


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