Greg Schraiber wrote:
> Can anyone tell where/how perl constructs the @INC ?
> I have a script that works when executed via perl at the 
> command prompt, but does not run when executed via shell execute 
> statement from within a basic program.
> When executed from the basic program it errors out with this message:
> Can't locate MIME/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
> /usr/local/perl/site/lib /usr/local/perl/lib .) at 
> /scripts/ line 4.
> MIME::Lite is installed and is 
> in  /usr/local/perl/site/lib/MIME sub directory.
> I'm running on AIX v5.2 Perl v5.8.8

My suggestion would be for you to create the smallest basic program
and smallest perl script that reproduces your problem and post them.
Strip everything else out of your code that's not needed.
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