OK sorry for not getting back earlier

man perlvar says

@INC    The array @INC contains the list of places that the "do EXPR",
               "require", or "use" constructs look for their library files.
               It initially consists of the arguments to any -I command-line
               switches, followed by the default Perl library, probably
               /usr/local/lib/perl, followed by ".", to represent the 
               directory.  ("." will not be appended if taint checks are
               enabled, either by "-T" or by "-t".)  If you need to modify
               this at runtime, you should use the "use lib" pragma to 
get the
               machine-dependent library properly loaded also:

                   use lib '/mypath/libdir/';
                   use SomeMod;

               You can also insert hooks into the file inclusion system by
               putting Perl code directly into @INC.  Those hooks may be 
               routine references, array references or blessed objects.  See
               "require" in perlfunc for details.

What the above points me to is that you have compiled perl and installed 
it by hand
so the easiest thing to do , for the modules that toy are trying to use is

push @INC , "/usr/local/perl/site/lib/MIME";

and see if ti behaves

O/H Greg Schraiber έγραψε:
> testmail.pl =
> #!/usr/bin/perl --
> foreach $elem (@INC) { print "$elem\n"; }
> use MIME::Lite;
> foreach $elem (@INC) { print "$elem\n"; }
> #  /scripts> perl testmail.pl
> /usr/local/perl/site/lib
> /usr/local/perl/lib
> .
> /usr/local/perl/site/lib
> /usr/local/perl/lib
> .
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