testmail.pl =
#!/usr/bin/perl --
foreach $elem (@INC) { print "$elem\n"; }
use MIME::Lite;
foreach $elem (@INC) { print "$elem\n"; }

#  /scripts> perl testmail.pl

At 09:19 AM 8/1/2007, Angelos Karageorgiou wrote:
>Try this
>#!/usr/bin/perl --
>foreach $elem (@INC) { print "$elem\n"; }
>use MIME::Lite;
>foreach $elem (@INC) { print "$elem\n"; }
>O/H Greg Schraiber Ýãñáøå:
> > Can anyone tell where/how perl constructs the @INC ?
> >
> > I have a script that works when executed via perl script.pl at the
> > command prompt, but does not run when executed via shell execute
> > statement from within a basic program.
> >
> > When executed from the basic program it errors out with this message:
> > Can't locate MIME/Lite.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
> > /usr/local/perl/site/lib /usr/local/perl/lib .) at
> > /scripts/testmailer.pl line 4.
> >
> > MIME::Lite is installed and Lite.pm is
> > in  /usr/local/perl/site/lib/MIME sub directory.
> >
> > I'm running on AIX v5.2 Perl v5.8.8
> >
> > Greg
> >
> >
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