On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Dan Jablonsky <vv_2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> hi all,
> I have the following situation that I need to manage:
> one network that includes
> 1. one Belkin N 1 Vision wireless router
> 2. one windows box
> 3. one ubuntu 9.10 box
> 4. one video streaming box
> The video streaming box is getting video streams form some url; the windows 
> box is downloading p2p. The problem is that while the downloads are working 
> on the windows box, the video streaming is getting slower and slower to the 
> point is starts buffering every 5 seconds. If I kill the downloads, then the 
> video streaming is getting back to normal.
> Can anybody recommend a plan for scripting a function that would close the 
> downloads when the streaming box is open and bring them up again when the 
> streaming stops?
> I am not sure where should I start, please give me some general pointers and 
> I'll do the work.
> If you need more info, just let me know.


You have a network problem, and it makes sense trying to solve it at
the network level.
If you can, configure QoS on your router. Of course, how to do it is
very platform-dependent, but most routers nowadays have some
facilities to deal with it.

Ari Constancio
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