Alexander Bubnov wrote:
> Hello, all!
> I am using hosting under FreeBSD 4 machine, but unfortunately, that 
> hosting has not got necessary perl module for me called Encode and as 
> expected that hosting has not got any compilers. Can you please find out 
> ways to install Encode perl module there without root privileges (to my 
> home directory)?
> I know one of these ways I need a cross-compiler or set up the same 
> version of FreeBSD (for example, as a virtual machine) then compile and 
> install to the same directory as on the server. After I need to copy 
> that directory to hosting machine. But this way takes a lot of time and 
> it is not trivial. Moreover I am not sure the module will work fine...

I'm not sure what your situation is, but I'd start by asking my
web hosting support to install any necessary modules.  If that
fails and you have shell access, I'd just install it under my
own cgi-bin dir and add that tree to my @INC.  If neither of
those work, I'd consider changing webhosts.
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