Jeremy White wrote:
Does it still leak if we only create a window (without the button)?

For me, I get no leak when just the window. I also played with a few other controls, and they leak too (a listview seemed to leak more than a button). Adding a child window to the parent window almost doesn't leak - a 4k leak every 30 seconds or so.

I can confirm that I don't see this on w2k either, so I afraid that I'm not going to be much use in helping to track this down.

Can someone run this with a fixed number of iterations, and tell me how
much memory is leaked per iteration?
56 - 60 K each iteration

Hummm - I seem to leak about 108 bytes per itteration.

I find the 108 byte figure more believable. At 56-60k per loop iteration you'd run out of memory pretty quickly, and there's nothing we allocate from the perl side that would be causing that much memory to be allocated.

Start code and figures vary but average 40% CPU to Perl.exe and 30% CPU to
Explorer.exe, the figures change between these two executables by as much as
10%, however the total between the two stays at 70% total CPU.

When terminating with Ctrl-C, note that perl.exe died straight away however
Explorer.exe took a few moments more to die and return the memory.

Sorry, but for now you're on your own with this one.


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