At 22:42 2005-02-22, Ariel Serbin wrote:
I started writing this, I used the hashref-of-hashrefs
idea like DBI returns from fetchall_hashref() because
it seemed like a good way of matching name/value pairs
up with their respective ids.  The problem with this

Good work!

I wrote a few comments on the interface and stuff, but then this thought struck me:

Have you considered subclassing Win32::GUI::ListView and just add the ability to specify an optional -id when adding an Item? This would have the great advantage of being backwards compatible with the ListView control, and more people could "just start using it" because they already know the interface and the only new thing would be how to manage the id.

Actually, a patch to Win32::GUI::ListView could be an excellent contribution to the Win32::GUI project itself. There are far too few small, practical utility methods being submitted to the module.


-------- ------ ---- --- -- --  --  -     -     -        -          -
Johan Lindström    Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos   johanl AT

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