--- Johan Lindstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have you considered subclassing Win32::GUI::ListView
> and just add the 
> ability to specify an optional -id when adding an
> Item? This would have the 

As someone who has come to rely pretty heavily on
Win32::GUI, I did think about subclassing/modifying
the ListView object, but I have a few good reasons why
I didn't go that route.  

First of all, I'm not much of an OO programmer.  I
like to encapsulate my modules as objects, but have
only done the most basic of inheritance type stuff.

Secondly, I don't really understand how Win32::GUI
works.  I've never done XS and the whole thing is a
bit of a black box to me.  I would love to muck about
in Win32::GUI::ListView::Add() if only I could find

Finally, as I understand it (see preceding paragraph
for qualifications), Win32::GUI is basically a wrapper
that calls some functions in some windows dll.  I'm
not sure if it's appropriate to be beefing it up with
too much perl-side logic.  For that reason,
subclassing it seems more natural than altering the
module itself...

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