
We've been discussing a new release on the hackers list for the last week or so. There's a lot of good additions and bug fixes that have been made by various contributors since the V1.0 release at the end of last year.

Release candidate 1 (RC1) for V1.01 is available for downloading and testing. PPMs for ActiveState perl 5.6 and 5.8 are available from The PPMs include the CHANGELOG.

It is important to uninstall the previous versions, as these new PPMs install the html document tree in a different location (C:\Perl\html\site\lib\Win32\GUI rather than the incorrect C:\Perl\html\lib\Win32\GUI) - instructions are in the README.TXT file with the distribution.

Assuming that there are no problems with this release candidate, then I would propose making it a formal release in the next few weeks. Please feedback your experiences (good as well as bad) to this list.

I do intend to do some significant work on the documentation in the next week or so, so hopefully those changes will make it into the v1.01 release.


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