Waldemar Biernacki wrote:
I think that in Win32::GUI there is a bug.

I don't :-) I think you are missing some of the subtleties of windows GUI programming.

When you start the code attached at the end of the mail then you can see that:

1. key F10 does not work. The same is in WinXP and in Win98.

That depends what you mean by 'does not work'. F10 is a system-wide accelerator, used to move focus to the menu bar of a window. It never generates a WM_KEYDOWN message (which is what -onKeyDown hooks), but generates WM_SYSKEYDOWN message instead. Alt does the same, as does any Alt+CHAR.

2. When I did similar program for Win32-Console package it work correctly.
The Console and Windows subsystems are very different when it comes to processing key strokes.

3. The F10 key behavior is funny: it works as a switcher for other Fxx keys but not for other keys.

After pressing F10, when you press a letter key don't you get a beep the first time, and then all keys start working again?

When I press the F10 key 1,3,... (odd number) times then other Fxx keys don't work.

If you add a menu to the window, I think it becomes a bit more obvious (code below). Watch the focus move the the menu bar when you press and release the F10 key.

It could seem that it is not important problem. In the case of WinXP the problem is not big in fact.
Only F10 doesn't work and application works smoothly.
However on Windows98 there is quite serious problem; because the keyboard answer
is unstable and unpredictible I am facing against the problem:
Is the problem of Windows or Perl itself?

If you are referring to the Alt+_F4 problem in your previous mail, then I think it is a Win98 problem.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;


my $menu = Win32::GUI::Menu->new(
        "File" => "File",
        ">Exit" => { -name => "Exit", -onClick => sub {-1}, },

my $Window = new Win32::GUI::Window (
    -size      => [200,100],
    -onKeyDown => \&keydown,
        -menu      => $menu,



sub keydown {
        my ($self, $ext, $vkey) = @_;

    # I'm not interested in seeing the modifier
    # keys on thier own:
    return 1 if($vkey == VK_SHIFT or $vkey == VK_CONTROL
                                  or $vkey == VK_MENU);

        print "(virtual) key just pressed: $vkey (" . decode_vk($vkey) . ")\n";
    my $modifiers = "";
    $modifiers .= "Shift, " if Win32::GUI::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT);
    $modifiers .= "Alt, "   if Win32::GUI::GetKeyState(VK_MENU);
    $modifiers .= "Ctrl, "  if Win32::GUI::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL);
    $modifiers = substr $modifiers, 0, -2;
    print "modifiers: $modifiers\n";

    my $kbd_ref = Win32::GUI::GetKeyboardState();
        my $wanted = "";
    my $count = 0;
        for (0 .. 255) {
        if ($kbd_ref->[$_]) {
            $wanted .= "$_(".decode_vk($_).")|" ;
        $wanted = substr $wanted, 0, -1;
        print "$count depressed (virtual) keys: $wanted\n\n";

    return 1;

my %vk_to_string;

sub decode_vk {
    return $vk_to_string{shift()};

%vk_to_string = (
  1   => "VK_LBUTTON",
  2   => "VK_RBUTTON",
  3   => "VK_CANCEL",
  4   => "VK_MBUTTON",
  5   => "VK_XBUTTON1",
  6   => "VK_XBUTTON2",
  8   => "VK_BACK",
  9   => "VK_TAB",
  12  => "VK_CLEAR",
  13  => "VK_RETURN",
  16  => "VK_SHIFT",
  17  => "VK_CONTROL",
  18  => "VK_MENU",
  19  => "VK_PAUSE",
  20  => "VK_CAPITAL",
  21  => "VK_HANGEUL",
  23  => "VK_JUNJA",
  24  => "VK_FINAL",
  25  => "VK_KANJI",
  27  => "VK_ESCAPE",
  28  => "VK_CONVERT",
  29  => "VK_NONCONVERT",
  30  => "VK_ACCEPT",
  31  => "VK_MODECHANGE",
  32  => "VK_SPACE",
  33  => "VK_PRIOR",
  34  => "VK_NEXT",
  35  => "VK_END",
  36  => "VK_HOME",
  37  => "VK_LEFT",
  38  => "VK_UP",
  39  => "VK_RIGHT",
  40  => "VK_DOWN",
  41  => "VK_SELECT",
  42  => "VK_PRINT",
  43  => "VK_EXECUTE",
  44  => "VK_SNAPSHOT",
  45  => "VK_INSERT",
  46  => "VK_DELETE",
  47  => "VK_HELP",
  48  => "VK_0",
  49  => "VK_1",
  50  => "VK_2",
  51  => "VK_3",
  52  => "VK_4",
  53  => "VK_5",
  54  => "VK_6",
  55  => "VK_7",
  56  => "VK_8",
  57  => "VK_9",
  65  => "VK_A",
  66  => "VK_B",
  67  => "VK_C",
  68  => "VK_D",
  69  => "VK_E",
  70  => "VK_F",
  71  => "VK_G",
  72  => "VK_H",
  73  => "VK_I",
  74  => "VK_J",
  75  => "VK_K",
  76  => "VK_L",
  77  => "VK_M",
  78  => "VK_N",
  79  => "VK_O",
  80  => "VK_P",
  81  => "VK_Q",
  82  => "VK_R",
  83  => "VK_S",
  84  => "VK_T",
  85  => "VK_U",
  86  => "VK_V",
  87  => "VK_W",
  88  => "VK_X",
  89  => "VK_Y",
  90  => "VK_Z",
  91  => "VK_LWIN",
  92  => "VK_RWIN",
  93  => "VK_APPS",
  95  => "VK_SLEEP",
  96  => "VK_NUMPAD0",
  97  => "VK_NUMPAD1",
  98  => "VK_NUMPAD2",
  99  => "VK_NUMPAD3",
  100 => "VK_NUMPAD4",
  101 => "VK_NUMPAD5",
  102 => "VK_NUMPAD6",
  103 => "VK_NUMPAD7",
  104 => "VK_NUMPAD8",
  105 => "VK_NUMPAD9",
  106 => "VK_MULTIPLY",
  107 => "VK_ADD",
  108 => "VK_SEPARATOR",
  109 => "VK_SUBTRACT",
  110 => "VK_DECIMAL",
  111 => "VK_DIVIDE",
  112 => "VK_F1",
  113 => "VK_F2",
  114 => "VK_F3",
  115 => "VK_F4",
  116 => "VK_F5",
  117 => "VK_F6",
  118 => "VK_F7",
  119 => "VK_F8",
  120 => "VK_F9",
  121 => "VK_F10",
  122 => "VK_F11",
  123 => "VK_F12",
  124 => "VK_F13",
  125 => "VK_F14",
  126 => "VK_F15",
  127 => "VK_F16",
  128 => "VK_F17",
  129 => "VK_F18",
  130 => "VK_F19",
  131 => "VK_F20",
  132 => "VK_F21",
  133 => "VK_F22",
  134 => "VK_F23",
  135 => "VK_F24",
  144 => "VK_NUMLOCK",
  145 => "VK_SCROLL",
  146 => "VK_OEM_FJ_JISHO",
  147 => "VK_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU",
  148 => "VK_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU",
  149 => "VK_OEM_FJ_LOYA",
  150 => "VK_OEM_FJ_ROYA",
  160 => "VK_LSHIFT",
  161 => "VK_RSHIFT",
  162 => "VK_LCONTROL",
  163 => "VK_RCONTROL",
  164 => "VK_LMENU",
  165 => "VK_RMENU",
  166 => "VK_BROWSER_BACK",
  169 => "VK_BROWSER_STOP",
  172 => "VK_BROWSER_HOME",
  173 => "VK_VOLUME_MUTE",
  174 => "VK_VOLUME_DOWN",
  175 => "VK_VOLUME_UP",
  178 => "VK_MEDIA_STOP",
  180 => "VK_LAUNCH_MAIL",
  182 => "VK_LAUNCH_APP1",
  183 => "VK_LAUNCH_APP2",
  186 => "VK_OEM_1",
  187 => "VK_OEM_PLUS",
  188 => "VK_OEM_COMMA",
  189 => "VK_OEM_MINUS",
  190 => "VK_OEM_PERIOD",
  191 => "VK_OEM_2",
  192 => "VK_OEM_3",
  219 => "VK_OEM_4",
  220 => "VK_OEM_5",
  221 => "VK_OEM_6",
  222 => "VK_OEM_7",
  223 => "VK_OEM_8",
  225 => "VK_OEM_AX",
  226 => "VK_OEM_102",
  227 => "VK_ICO_HELP",
  228 => "VK_ICO_00",
  229 => "VK_PROCESSKEY",
  230 => "VK_ICO_CLEAR",
  231 => "VK_PACKET",
  233 => "VK_OEM_RESET",
  234 => "VK_OEM_JUMP",
  235 => "VK_OEM_PA1",
  236 => "VK_OEM_PA2",
  237 => "VK_OEM_PA3",
  238 => "VK_OEM_WSCTRL",
  239 => "VK_OEM_CUSEL",
  240 => "VK_OEM_ATTN",
  241 => "VK_OEM_FINISH",
  242 => "VK_OEM_COPY",
  243 => "VK_OEM_AUTO",
  244 => "VK_OEM_ENLW",
  245 => "VK_OEM_BACKTAB",
  246 => "VK_ATTN",
  247 => "VK_CRSEL",
  248 => "VK_EXSEL",
  249 => "VK_EREOF",
  250 => "VK_PLAY",
  251 => "VK_ZOOM",
  252 => "VK_NONAME",
  253 => "VK_PA1",
  254 => "VK_OEM_CLEAR",

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