From: Eric Poulsen
> I've used Win32::OLE to create and control an IE (Internet Explorer)
> application window.  What I would like to do is this:

> Create a full-screen no border window (using Win32::Dialog?).
>  Within this would be normal GUI type controls -- buttons & such
> on the top.  The bottom portion would be a browser object showing
> web pages (IE).  The buttons on the top would provide control for the
? window (forward/back) and such.

>Basically, I want to embed an IE object within my own window,
>so that I have my own "customized browser" type application.

>Any thoughts?

    Firstoff is the problem of turning off the address bar, the menu, status
bar,,, ect.  If it was easy I could send you an example.  Closest I've
gotten is using javascript to load another window without all that neat
stuff.   The resulting window can be moved around and resized (cause you
have the window title) but doesn't have ole.
    You can use ole to control javascript. And you'll need to cause there
seem to be some interesting holes in the ole that javascript covers.  Just
let javascript  what you need.  It might be necessary to keep the main IE
window invisible and just spawn off child windows.  Clumsy but....

    One interesting approach is just to change the content on the page
instead of the page.
 <SPAN class='head1' id='loader'></span><br>

my $hIE=$IE{'hIE'};
my $loader=$IE{'all'}->{'loader'};
$loader->{'innerText'}='New text';

    I found this curiously impressive.  Watching IE reformat itself is
interesting.  I've taken to tossing perl variables at an IE page as a
debugger tool.  Beats the heck out of STDERR when you can get it in blinking
red :-)

    Another solution is to use the web browser control from Visual Basic.
This I know can be started cleanly and is low overhead.  I'll be doing one
of those, minimal visual flash but with a perl eval function for a poor
man's multitasking, soon (for some value of soon :-).

cheers and good luck

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