> 3) Instead of using Navigate to get a URL or file, can I use HTML
> that's stored in a scalar in my source code? Can you set the Document
> to an html string?
> my $ie = WIn32::OLE->new('InternetExplorer.Application') or die 'Can't
> create instance of IE';
> my $html =
> '<html><head><title>Test</title><body><h1>Test</h1></body></html>';
> # Now can I do something like (both of which don't work)
> $ie->Document = $html;
> #or
> $ie->Document->{body} = $html;

Try navigating to 'about':

 # untested

Be careful because you can only send so much HTML that way. Longer pages
will have to be sent loaded via file://
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