Hi Laura,

you can use

require '../../myperlscript.pl';

However I would advise you go down the .pm route.
changing a .pl file into a .pm module isn't too big a hassle - simply ensure
your script is well structured using subroutines  then write a parent .pl
script to use that module and call each subroutine.

If you don't have much object oriented experience, this might take a while,
and using the above require method should work fine.



p.s. you should probably do this

my $perlscript='../../myperlscript.pl';
eval {
        require $myperlscript;
if ($@)
      print STDERR "Script failed $myperlscript - $@\n";
{    print STDERR "Script successful\n";

Inside each of you perl test scripts you should use die statements :-

die "something went wrong, I've broken and died a horrible and squidgy

Then when you run the require and the script dies, your main programme will
continue, and if ($@) then you know something has gone wrong with that
script. If a test fails, as opposed to passes, as it may do, it is a
different condition than the one that occurs if something nuexpected happens
within your code and it dies (either a perl runtime error or by your use of

N.B. $@ will contain the error string of the original die message from your

----- Original Message -----
From: "Laura Meli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Perl-Win32-Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 1:41 PM
Subject: Newbie Question

> Hi everyone,
> I am just starting out to use perl to write my test scripts.  I was
> wondering if there was a way to call one perl program from another.  I
> that if I have a .pm module then I call it by the use function.  How about
> .pl file?  I want be able to choose which tests I run each time I execute
> perl script.  My plan was to create a separate perl script for each test
> suite then have one main perl script which calls the scripts I want to
> execute.
> Thanks in advance for your help.  The emails I receive from this group
> been really helpful.
> Laura
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