Jeff Slutzky wrote:
> I am attempting to make a socket server running on a Win98 platform and
> have a socket client connecting from a SCO Unix platform.  What happens is
> that I start the server and it sits waiting, I then connect from the SCO
> server with the client socket app and I detect a connection on the Windows
> box.  What doesn't happen is the client sends a "Hello" string to the
> server and the server does not read what's going through the socket.
> I'm attaching the code, and it is pretty plain jane.  If anyone can point
> me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> - running on a Win98 box.
> use IO::Socket;
> my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalHost => '', LocalPort =>
> '7801', Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 1, Reuse => 1,);
> die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock;
> my $new_sock = $sock->accept();
> print "accept\n";
> while($new_sock) {
> print $_;
> }
> close($sock);

how about using the recv method on $new_sock:

$new_sock->recv($inbuf,$inbuf_length,0) or croak "$0 - can't recv: $!";

Alan F. Dickey - Interaction and Realization
VOX: 908-273-3232 Cell: 908-334-0932

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