Title: Array question.

Hello guys ,

 I am struggling to understand a small problem that I have with arrays.
Here is a snipset of my code.
  my @UIDLArray = $mailAcc->Uidl();
  my $UIDLArrayIndex = 0;
  foreach my $UIDLIdx ( @UIDLArray )
               $UIDLArrayIndex = $UIDLArrayIndex + 1;
            # check if this UIDL is in the already_read.txt file
            print "DEBUG -->>>> before FinfUIDL\n";
            my $found = FindUIDL($UIDLIdx);
        my @UIDL = $mailAcc->Uidl($msgNr);
                                                                                                                foreach my $test ( @UIDL )

        {                                                                                                             my ($resource) = $test;

        my ($test) = @UIDL;

The  only difference between this two pieces of code is that in one case I call Uidl without parameters and in the other case with a mail message number.

In the first case in the for each I get only the UIDL ( some strange unique number ) and in the second case I get also a number in front of that UIDL .

If we suppose that UIDL is abcd then in the first case I get abcd and in the second case I get 1 abcd. Do any of you has any ideea how can I get rid of the 1 and space from the second case ( even better if someone can tell me what is in fact the difference ).

Best regards,

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