Lyle Kopnicky wrote:


You are correct. Now I have uninstalled ActivePerl, wiped out the C:\Perl directory, and reinstalled. I now see that AdminMisc is not included with ActivePerl - it just showed up last time because it was there when the documenation was generated. So, I reinstalled the Win32::AdminMisc package from Roth.

And we're back to the same old error:

perl.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed to start because MSVCR70.dll was not found. Re-installing the applicatino may fix this problem.

Do you know what MSVCR70.dll is? Why does AdminMisc need it? Why does it not install it? Where can I get it and where should I put it?

Thanks for your help.

Lyle Kopnicky

Never mind, I found it, downloaded it, put it in my C:\Windows\System directory, and the module now works.

I hope the same will work on NT 4.0. I wonder why MSVCR70.dll isn't mentioned in the documentation for Win32::AdminMisc, and isn't installed automatically by PPM.

Lyle Kopnicky
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