I have debug code in the script that prints out the name if it's a
duplicate.  I know I can use another method to make file names but rand was
what was convenient at the time so that's not really the issue.  This should
be regarded as a pure perl problem removed from practical considerations.  I
haven't verified by hand whether the precise order is identical.  But even
if the precise order is off there is still a problem.  Spitting out the same
10 numbers next to each other still qualifies as a problem.  Still waiting
for anyone from ActiveState to comment on this aspect of it.

At 10:34 AM 12/2/2005 -0500, Ken Cornetet wrote:
>What makes you think the same sequence repeats? The existence of like
>named files does not imply they were generated in the same sequence.
>Lets say that on one day rand() produced the sequence
>a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j. The next day it might produce the sequence
>c,h,a,e,g,b,i,d,f,j. This would not be the same sequence, but would
>still boggle your name generator.

"...ne cede malis"


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