Donald Beck wrote:

> I am running Perl on Windows XP Pro.  I am new to
> Perl.
> I am trying to write a script that will take a text
> file with multiple rows and a reoccurring character
> that I want replaced, then the output written to
> another text file.
> Here is what I have come up with (actually I got it
> out of a book):
> #!C:\perl\bin\perl
> open(TXT, "<sample.txt");
> @text = <TXT>;
> close(TXT);
> print "Content-type:text/html\n\n <html>";
> print "Text file contents:<br/>";
> foreach $line(@text)
> {
> print "$line <br/>";
> }
> print "</html>";
> This opens the file and displays it.  I do not know
> where in this syntax I place s/,/|/ to replace the ,'s
> with |'s.  I am using the html tags to display the
> output to a browser window, to make sure the output is
> what I want. I need it to write the output to a text
> file instead.

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

open TXT, 'sample.txt' or die "Error opening sample: $! ($^E)";
my @text = <TXT>;
close TXT;

print <<EOD;
Content-type: text/html

Text file contents:

foreach (@text) {
#       s/,/|/g;        # if you want to do a replace - do it here
        print $_;
print <<EOD;


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