I am programing a cgi that performs a series of tasks while interacting with
the client and that should keep a session alive for a week.
In order to do that I decided to create a session directory each time a
client sings up.
The directory is create while the scrip runs under linux, but under windows
it is not able to do it.
It seems a permission problem, but the directory has all the permissions
enabled and none disabled.
The mkdir part of the script doesn't work, as it seems it is note allowed to
create directories, but the second part works perfect
so the script is indeed allowed to create a new file into the same

#now trying to create the session 11232 that fails
$sys = "mkdir C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\presupuestador\\Sessions\\11232";

#now creating a new file without problems
open(SES,">C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\presupuestador\\Sessions\\sessions.txt") or
print SES $line;

Anyone sees the problem here?

Thank you,


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