I have all of the modules that I have created either in the same single
directory that contains the scripts or in sub-directories of the script
directory. I use this in every script:

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib $Bin;

I never have any problems no matter where the script is executed from.
Hope this helps.

Dirk Bremer - Senior Systems Engineer - ESS/AMS - NISC Lake St. Louis MO
- USA Central Time Zone
636-755-2652 fax 636-755-2503


> Yes, I will have to calculate the path, since it is not absolute.
> If I put a relative path in @INC, I guess it would be relative to the 
> current directory.  Which is whatever the directory the console is in 
> when it runs the script.  Not very useful for finding 
> modules.  Instead 
> I want to find a path relative to where the script is located.  
> (Actually, I'm interested in finding the parent directory of the one 
> where the script is located.)  As far as I can tell, there is no 
> function that tells me that.  That is why I have to calculate it.
> I suppose putting the path determination stuff in a function, and 
> putting a pointer to that in @INC would work.  I guess I just felt 
> skiddish about it because it seems unusual.
> What is the most common way that people handle this?  That 
> is, say your 
> modules are in the same folder as the main script.  (Which I 
> would think 
> would be the most common case, except for CPAN or PPM modules.)  Do 
> people usually write a function to determine where the script is 
> located?  You'd think there would be a common function for this....
> My code currently handles it is below, which seems incredibly obtuse, 
> but I couldn't figure a simpler reliable way.  That is the 
> code I'd have 
> to pass in as a function to @INC (except with 'return' 
> instead of 'chdir').
> #---- determine V-ASC installation directory 
> -------------------------------
> #-- it is the parent directory of where this file is run from
> my ($VAscVolume,$ServerPath) =
>   File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($0));
> my @ServerDirs = File::Spec->splitdir($ServerPath);
> my $VAscPath = File::Spec->catdir(@[EMAIL PROTECTED]);
> my $VAscInstallDir
>   = 
> File::Spec->canonpath(File::Spec->catpath($VAscVolume,$VAscPath,''));
> my $VAscServerDir
>     = 
> File::Spec->canonpath(File::Spec->catpath($VAscVolume,$ServerP
> ath,''));
> chdir $VAscInstallDir;
> -- 
> Lyle Kopnicky
> Software Project Engineer
> Veicon Technology, Inc.

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